Trip Route

We will be following the Northern Tier route. To follow our day by day progress click on the trip progress link to the right. On that page is also a link to our cell phone tracking data so you can see exactly where we are.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Flat with a Tailwind

Hello there! We've gone over 200 miles in 2 days thanks to the flat terriern and a steady tailwind. We have seen many types of grass and a lot of Angus. I think that Wendy can finally identify an Angus, although she did excitedly mistake a muscular Angus stud for a buffalo. We also saw some antelope and perplexingly a decent amount of seagulls. 
Last night we pedaled almost 100 miles to Hingham, a small town of dirt roads, where we camped out at the town park. We had some much deserved beer and nachos at Spencer's Bar where we met and chatted with the owner, Spencer of course, who also has done some touring.
Today we felt good and after an ice cream break in the afternoon made the push to Dodston. We ended up traveling over 110 miles and were plenty tired when we arrived at the B&B whose lawn we are camping on. Now we are showered, have eaten, our PB sandwiches and are about ready to pass out early. As long as the tailwinds and sunshine keep up we will have another long day tomorrow.

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